The Gungans are back and in greater numbers, no longer a comical
periphery presence when a turncoat is exposed in their ranks. Anakin and
Padme hatch a scheme in involving Jar-Jar impersonating a high-ranking
Gungan official who had struck a deal with the Separatists to invade the
Naboo while under a mystical spell before the official was murdered.
Neither has any idea how deep the treachery runs through the Separatist

'Shadow Warrior' is a brutal episode in
The Clone Wars terms if
the Gungans and Jar-Jar are viewed as specifically playing to younger
audiences. There are multiple murders, including the death of a
character that had speaking lines in one of the live-action
Star Wars
films. As such, it offers a wide range of appeal from Jar-Jar's
hit-and-miss impersonation attempt to a vexed Grevious haphazardly
taking on the entire Gungan army by himself.
The Grevious fight in the rain is great, but where 'Shadow Warrior'
excels is a sequence that echoes back to Darth Vader luring Luke
Skywalker to a duel at the conclusion of
The Empire Strikes Back.
Anakin finds himself the victim of a similar trap, and must face Count
Dooku and a small army of Grevious' body guards as a result. It's an
intense fight in close quarters as Dooku calmly uses the droids and the
environment to slowly and systematically beat Anakin into the ground.

Arrogant tactics by both Anakin and Grevious nearly lead to the tide of
the war changing, and the Jedi Code prohibiting attachment proves
pivotal to the outcome. Their unwise actions ultimately cancel each
other out, but neither is able to walk away from the episode under their
own power. The same mistakes each character makes foreshadow their
ultimate demise.
Overall, 'Shadow Warrior' offers up an above-average plot for the series
that takes a few unexpected twists and turns along the way. It's
impossible to avoid the Gungan-speak, but if you can tolerate it, there
are some fantastic action sequences and sharp visual effects in the
foggy Naboo swamps to kick back and enjoy.
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