Yesterday I had to thank me lucky charms as I was oh so privileged to interview Jeremy Bulloch, AKA BOBA FETT!!! OMG I was so excited and nervous, who’d think that a small town girl like me one day would be interviewing one of the darkest villians in the galaxy for MTV Geek!!
Jeremy has had quite a career, he started acting on stage at the age of 5 and by 12 years old was doing his first professional acting gig -- a cereal commercial in England, his motherland. He’s also acted in several James Bond films and the original Doctor Who series. He landed the gig as Boba Fett when his half brother, Robert Watts, one of the Star Wars producers, suggested him for the part.
LW: How does it feel being one of the most iconic characters in the Star Wars universe?
JB: It’s very nice when people come up to you and say you’re iconic. To begin with I didn’t know what they were talking about. Then people bow in front of you at these events, but luckily having been around a long time, you take it in stride. It was just a part I played and it became very popular which is very fortunate. Every now and then there were a couple of theatre jobs that came up and I did them, and you came out and they were a huge success and then something else can be pretty bad. But this has just grown over the years and more and more people contact you. So every day I’m reminded that I’m either iconic which I think means old (hearty laugh!!) or you know, it’s something that you’ve done that people appreciate.
LW: What was it like working with the great Irvin Kershner?
JB: Oh he was fantastic. What I loved about Irvin Kershner was that he’d say “Now Jeremy I‘ll just walk through this with you, Okay, now what you’re going to do here” and so he was telling me exactly what I was supposed to do. At the end of the walk he’d turn and he’d go back just like this and he would walk through. And then you’d rehearse and do it, having changed quite a bit, because you have to put your own stuff in as well. And he would turn around and say “Marvelous, we can now go for a take.” And of course some of it, you put in yourself.
At at certain age you get to a point where you can say “Can we shoot that scene again?” and they’ll say “No what we’ve got is fine” and you say, “Well it just doesn’t feel right.” I could only do that once I got past 30 years old. Because I think as an 18-year-old if you do that they’re thinking “What’s this young upstart talking about?” But he was lovely, Irvin, he had such fun with it, and he’d give you the direction and go through it time and time again. But you know his shots always worked perfectly.

LW: What was a memorable moment working on the set of ESB for you? Got any funny stories?
JB: I think in the carbon freezing chamber scene where Han Solo was going down into the pit and all the steam and the flames and everything. Getting in position I was walking behind Darth Vader (David Prowse) and I remember as we got to the bottom of the steps I trodded on his cloak and he jerked backwards and I jerked forwards (he says laughing.) I was top heavy in the outfit because that jet pack was quite heavy and you couldn’t really get up on your own. So here we are, the most dangerous 2 people on the planet, falling about like idiots on the floor. Luckily we hadn’t rehearsed it properly so it looks as though “Oh it’s alright, they’re just testing it out.” But I needed help to get up because I couldn’t get up on my own; there was all that paraphernalia. It was very heavy, and all your hands and elbows and knees were grazed but you knew what it was going to be like so you just had to put up with it.
LW: How long did it take you to get into your costume?
JB: About half an hour and I had help. As the filming went on towards the end, it was taking 10 minutes. I thought you were going to suddenly say “Did you have makeup?" and I’d say “Well yes I did, I did have make up.” People still believe, you know it must be terribly heavy all that, and I’d say “Well the make up took longer than putting the costume on” and they’d say “Oooh I see.” They still believed it!
LW: With Blu-ray coming out next month what are you excited about?
JB: Well I’m very excited to see it because to be quite honest I don’t have a satellite HD television-- but I will be getting one, I can’t wait to see it because people say it’s just going to be fantastic. I really can’t wait. What does Boba Fett look like in Blu-ray???
LW: Will he need more makeup?
JB: Ha, Oh God yes. Well my grandchildren know more about the films and Blu-ray because they’re much brighter than me. Honestly I can’t wait.
LW: Have you seen a preview of the 40 hours of special features? Any deleted scenes?
JB: I have seen none at all, nothing. Oh you know what but if it’s deleted scenes they might have the one where we fall crumpled up on the floor.
LW: I see on your blog, which I love by the way, that you attend lots of Star Wars events? How many a year do you do, and what are some of your favorites?
JB: Oh my favorite is possibly going to Disney because you’re like a child anyway and I’ve been very lucky -- I’ve been invited a great deal. That’s fantastic to see those people in that heat just following you around to talk to you and chat. If I’m tired then I think the audience is even more tired because they get there at 5 in the morning to meet everybody and there’s a wonderful Star Wars theme going throughout the day. Although very hot, it is a fun weekend.

LW: I have to ask you, do you have a Boba Fett costume at home?
JB: Well funny enough I do! I was presented by The Dented Helmet, who make costumes, who out of the blue said “We think you should have your own costume Mr. Bulloch,” and they presented me with this costume. I’ve worn it twice here in England for charity. I was going around with a bucket collecting money saying “Put the money in the bucket” (Deep Boba Fett voice). People were genuinely frightened and I thought “Well I can’t do this, they’ll think I’m real.” But that was nice because maybe once or twice a year I’ve worn it purely to be Boba Fett again and get more people to give money for charity and it’s well worth it.
LW: I know you also have 10 grandchildren, is that right?
JB: Yes I have 10 grandchildren, I always wanted a girl and I have 3 boys, but now I have 8 granddaughters and 2 grandsons. And funny enough there’s a few that prefer The Clone Wars to the real films. They love it; I think they love it, “Oh granddaddy is Boba Fett” they’ll say. But they keep it quiet at school, they just don’t mention a thing at all because they might get into a stink, “your granddad’s not Boba Fett” and one of them would say “You wait, I’ll bring him out tomorrow.”
LW: Do you ever try your costume on for the grandchildren?
JB: They’ve seen me in it recently when I went to an event and I put it on there at the Space Center. The first time they saw me walk into the room they said “Oh granddaddy looks silly.”
LW: So they’re not scared of you?
JB: They’re scared of me if I slightly raise my voice which is quite rare for me. If I say “Bed” they know to go up to bed because it’s far too late. But that’s the only time I raise my voice because they are very good.
LW: Where can your fans expect to see you next?
JB: Well I’m going to Los Angeles at the end of September, and before that I’m going to Montreal, a city I love very much. So we’ll be going there, my wife and I, and I have friends in LA so we’re going to stay for a few days and there is an event there as well.
LW: Does Boba Fett speak French?
JB: Of course, Laurel!! I cannot believe you asked that question! He speaks fluent French!
And there you have it, fans! HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HIM?? The dare I say “iconic” Jeremy Bulloch - perfectly charming, funny, and so international! Who knew???
Here's the Star Wars Blu-ray trailer just to tease you once again: