miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011
jueves, 14 de abril de 2011
Star Wars Wall Clock of 1977
Don’t get me wrong, I love Star Wars IV: A New Hope, but for me, the best Star Wars movie will always be The Empire Strikes Back. Still, I like my vintage Star Wars posters and clocks as much as the next guy. For instance, check out this Episode IV wall clock.
It’s based on the iconic poster of the movie, which is a nice thing to have around pretty much anywhere. To top it off, the clock is made out of wood not plastic. Sure, if you significant other isn’t a Star Wars fan, it might be relegated to your home office and not the dining room, but what the hell. It’s still nice to have around.
The clock measures 13.5″ in diameter and you can pre-order it from Entertainment Earth right now for $14.99 (USD). It’s expected to ship sometime this month.
miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011
the TIE pilot. This black-clad top gun sexy girl
domingo, 10 de abril de 2011
miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011
cubitos de hielo R2-D2, para refrescarte mientras ves Star Wars
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Los hielos, esos grandes olvidados a la hora de tomarse una buena copa son muchas veces menospreciados, pero a la vez son vitales para una buena copa hogareña. Para mi gusto los grandes son ideales, pues aguantan sin deshacerse mucho más tiempo. ¿Qué tal funcionarán los hielos R2-D2?
Está claro que si hablamos de hielos de calidad – para hacerse un buen copazo – hay alternativas mejores, pero como detalle es ideal y serán perfectos para quedadas de fans de la saga de La Guerra de las Galaxias. El molde está fabricado en silicona y permite la elaboración de cuatro hielos pequeños o uno bastante más grande, aunque también puede utilizarse para otros menesteres como por ejemplo bombones R2-D2.
Algo nimio y barato, 7 euros, pero un detalle muy curioso para una noche entre amigos. Y si todos sois fans de la conocida saga cinematográfica entonces es algo indispensable.
lunes, 4 de abril de 2011
Scanimation Star Wars book
Scanimation Star Wars Book
Most often when you ask your kids to read a book they detest it. But when you ask them to read Scanimation Star Wars book, they would simply read it with fun. Author Rufus Butler Seder has attempted to make Star Wars. If your kid doesn’t like reading and you want him to put him in the habit of reading then you should gift your kid this Star Wars Book on this Christmas. Available for $14.95. http://laguerradelasgalaxias-starwars.blogspot.com/
domingo, 3 de abril de 2011
Guerra de las Galaxias volverá a la gran pantalla, esta vez aprovechando la tecnología de imagen en tres dimensiones 10 de febrero de 2012 estreno
George Lucas lo ha vuelto a hacer. La saga de películas La Guerra de las Galaxias volverá a la gran pantalla, esta vez aprovechando la tecnología de imagen en tres dimensiones. Aunque el propio director y creador de la historia había asegurado que si los primeros resultados no le convencían no seguiría con el proyecto, ahora parece que las primeras pruebas de secuencias le han resultado más que satisfactorias. http://laguerradelasgalaxias-starwars.blogspot.com/
La Amenaza Fantasma, el primer episodio de esta saga espacial, está pasando por un proceso que convierte las imágenes en 2D al 3D , y las primeras imágenes que sólo unos pocos privilegiados han podido ver suponen un material suficientemente bueno como para seguir avanzando con el proyecto y llegar al día de estreno, planeado para el próximo 10 de febrero.
El trabajo de añadir una dimensión más a las imágenes del Episodio I se ha desarrollado del mismo modo que en la película Furia de Titanes, que retrasó su estreno para pasar de las dos dimensiones al 3D. Lucas parece estar confiado en que La Amenaza Fantasma será aún mejor en esta nueva versión.
"Ha sido muy importante para mí. Ahora tenemos la tecnología, los recursos y el tiempo para hacer esto aún mejor y estoy muy contento con los resultados que he estado viendo en el Episodio I", ha asegurado Lucas.
El supervisor de efectos visuales de Industrial Light & Magic, John Knoll, asegura mantener un férreo control del proceso. "Conseguir buenos resultados en la conversión requiere de mucha atención al detalle y es imperativo tomarse el tiempo necesario para hacerlo bien, y eso es justo lo que estamos haciendo", asegura.
"Nuestro objetivo es mejorar la experiencia de ver La Guerra de las Galaxias en un cine, utilizando las últimas herramientas y técnicas cinematográficas. No queremos solo cosas que salten de la pantalla", promete.
sábado, 2 de abril de 2011
Cameron and Lucas strikes back will be done right 3-D "Star Wars" and "Titanic"
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George Lucas and James Cameron dished on the future of digital filmmaking and 3-D in Las Vegas on Wednesday. What’s the future? 3-D versions of movies they’ve already made.
Lucas has been working on 3-D versions of his “Star Wars” movies for eight years, he told the Wall Street Journal. Or, to be more specific, just “Episode I: The Phantom Menace.” And he’s already spent more money on the conversion than it took to make the movie the first time.
We’re not sure why Lucas thinks anyone would sit through the universally panned, deadly dull “Menace” again, even in 3-D. (Well, the pod-racing scene could be cool. And maybe the lightsaber duel between Obi-Wan and Darth Maul.)
The 3-D “Phantom Menace” is set for release next February.
Cameron is making “Titanic” into 3D … because it didn’t make enough money for him the first time. He said digital technology will help make him even richer, too. According to Cameron, “Titanic” was pulled from theaters after 16 weeks only because the reels had become scratched and unplayable, a problem digital movies avoid.
Lucas and Cameron are annoyed by Hollywood’s tendency to rush 3-D movies into theaters. Nearly 40 3-D films are slated for release in 2011. “I’m concerned about anything that erodes the market,” Cameron said. “Bad 3-D is one of them.”
So, like Lucas, Cameron is taking his time to convert “Titanic” and do it right. It should be out in 2012, to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the ship sinking.
“There’s not magic wand or killer app that converts your movies for you,” he said.
Now if he can just work on making those characters multi-dimensional…
viernes, 1 de abril de 2011
Aston Martin, el coche de James Bond hecho movil

Gracias a este teléfono, y a una gran cantidad de dinero, quien posea este teléfono y un Aston Martin podrá abrir su coche sin apretar ningún botón, ya que el vehículo reconocerá el móvil como llave.
Además, por si todo lo anterior fuera poco, el terminal se conecta a la pantalla del automóvil, con el que se podrá navegar por Internet o utilizar el dispositivo como GPS.
Su pantalla táctil es de zafiro, y los recubrimiento laterales son de platino, un lujo desde donde se mire. Mobiado, además de colaborar con Aston Martin, también fabrica sus propios móviles de alta gama.
El CPT001 es un terminal creado en una sola pieza de mármol, con incrustaciones de oro macizo. El móvil está decorado con un reloj, que también está realizado en oro, de mecanismo visible justo debajo de la pantalla.
R2-D2 droid during a presentation at River Charter School in Napa.
Matt McCormick labored on his R2-D2 for more than a year, building the full-size remote-control replica of the droid from the movie "Star Wars" for his own pleasure.
It wasn't until he arrived in a crowded room full of fans two years ago that the Cal State Sacramento philosophy professor realized he had created a celebrity. http://laguerradelasgalaxias-starwars.blogspot.com/
"I went to my first convention in Sacramento - just me and my R2-D2 - and we got mobbed. We couldn't move for 20 minutes," McCormick remembers. "It's like a happiness machine. Everywhere you take it, people are thrilled."
Actor Ryan Reynolds will be at WonderCon, the annual comic book and fantasy convention that begins this morning at Moscone Center in San Francisco and lasts through Sunday. Elvira: Mistress of the Dark and a couple of real actors who appeared in "Star Wars" will probably be there too.
But few of them will get a warmer reception than the handful of R2-D2s rolling around the convention floor. Members of the R2 Builders Club have simulated the robot so successfully that Lucasfilm sometimes calls on them for events. (Builders say that one of their fan-made R2 units briefly appeared in "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.")
Making a full-scale R2-D2 might be the Mount Everest of remote-controlled hobbies. A fully functional droid can cost as much as a Toyota Corolla, and takes half a decade or more to complete. Builders say that many more "Star Wars" enthusiasts start a full-size R2 and quit than actually complete one. Technically, the fan-built droids do more than the ones made for the movies, which were often made to perform one or two physical functions.
"It's always breaking, it's high maintenance and you're adding things all the time," says Chris James of American Canyon, whose blog at www.artoo-detoo.net has become a resource for builders worldwide. "And when I add something, it's not just a matter of bolting it in. It's a matter of stripping it down and re-engineering everything to make it fit."
The club was founded in 1999 by R2 builder Dave Everett of Australia, and each droid is different. There are no kits, and, until relatively recently, no blueprints. R2 Builders Club droids might be made out of plastic, wood or aluminum. To construct the dome, builders have used everything from squirrel guards for bird feeders to Weber barbecues as a base. Looking at the innards reveals wheelchair motors, car batteries, a lazy Susan and all manner of recycled circuit boards.