miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011
martes, 29 de marzo de 2011
Chewbacca actor Peter Mayhew reveals his love of outer space's best known wookiee

HE has spent years dressed as the most famous furball in the galaxy but Peter Mayhew has finally escaped the costume of Chewbacca from the Star Wars films.
The 7ft2in actor became famous for playing the Wookiee in four blockbuster Star Wars films, but he has just completed by far the most enjoyable stint of his dream role - voicing a cartoon version for a television spin-off.
The 66-year-old actor from London was drafted in to help bring Chewbacca to life for the Star Wars animated series The Clone Wars.
As he only had to provide the voice, Peter swapped the heavy, hairy suit for shorts and a t-shirt at creator George Lucas's studios in California.
Peter admitted that while he never complained about wearing the uncomfortable suit, it was a real joy to be able to complete his latest version of the role without the shaggy uniform.
He said: "The original suit was heavy and warm and the trick was to get in and out of it as quickly as possible.
"It was made of yak hair and mohair, which was knitted together by some little old ladies.
"It was my job so I wouldn't complain but the shorter the time I spent in it, the better.
"When I came back for Revenge Of The Sith, it was an amazing new suit. It was water cooled and was relatively easy to wear.
"When they asked me to do the Clone Wars, it was great because I just had to walk into the studio dressed as myself. I sat there with the sound man and we recorded the growls in different ranges."

Former hospital porter Peter was recruited by director Lucas in the mid-seventies because he needed someone tall to fill the part of Han Solo's best friend and co-pilot for the original sci-fi trilogy.
Along with Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Anthony Daniels and Kenny Baker, Peter became part of the famous line-up that entered pop culture history when the first film smashed box office records in 1977.
He then reprised his role in The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi, returning to his job at the Mayday Hospital in London between films.
Since Return Of The Jedi, he has spent his career as a professional Star Wars hero. He attends conventions and reprised his role for other projects such as the 2005 prequel Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith.
Now he's back for the Clone Wars finale, which gets its first screening this Saturday on Sky Movies Premiere.
Peter got his big break as an actor just months after he made his screen debut as a minotaur in Sinbad And The Eye Of The Tiger.
Having now made a 34-year-career out of Star Wars, Peter said he felt honoured that George Lucas picked him in the first place.
"It was a real gift of a job and George makes you feel part of the Lucas family," said Peter.

"I love Chewie. He's the teddy bear, the best friend, the security blanket, everything that a youngster needs to feel secure. It's something I can always be proud of.
"When we finished Star Wars, there was a doubt whether the second film would come out but it was a huge success and it was great to go back.
"The Empire Strikes back was a great time to wear the suit. We filmed the Hoth scenes in Norway, so I was in the best costume when it was 20 below.
"When we filmed the Return Of The Jedi forest scenes in Oregon, I was told I wasn't allowed to wander around in costume because we were right in Bigfoot country.
"I was worried people would see me through the trees and aim at me.
Because I was scared of a shotgun going bang, bang, I heeded the warning."
Peter also revealed that on the Return Of The Jedi set, he was almost surrounded by an army of wookiees, who were the original choice for the furry natives that later became cuddly Ewoks.
He said: "The plan was they were all going to be wookiees but they decided to go with the Ewoks for the kids' audience. I loved the Ewoks, though, and in fact the guys who played them are among my closest friends, including Warwick Davies and Kenny Baker, who also played R2D2.
"I met Kenny on the first day of filming Star Wars and we've been close friends ever since. Kenny is 3ft8in and I'm 7ft2in, so work that out for yourself. We get some looks."
Peter, who met wife Angie at a Star Wars event in Arizona, added: "I've enjoyed working at conventions. It's not a bad job and I get to meet so many people who are delighted to meet Chewbacca. That's a lovely thing.
"It was wonderful to be asked to come back for Revenge Of The Sith. It was like going back to your old college as a visiting professor, seeing all the younger actors looking up to people such as myself and Ian McDiarmid, who played the Emperor.
"Then to be asked to do Clone Wars was fantastic. I hadn't seen much of it before but I really like them and they are on a par with the original movies in terms of quality."
When Peter originally brought Chewbacca to life, the distinctive Wookiee growls were created by Star Wars sound editor Ben Burrt, who mixed bear growls and dog barks with a bit of walrus and lion to bring the character to life.
But after being asked to do the famous noises at conventions for almost three decades, Peter had started practising and then at a fan event last year, let rip to a delighted crowd, which included Clone Wars sound editor Matthew Wood.
Peter said: "I was at a convention with Matt Wood and I'd always been very reluctant to do the voice.
"I just started larking around and Matt heard it so he and director Dave Filoni thought they could use it.
"They got me up to Skywalker ranch to see what we could do, and we got it sorted, hopefully it's pretty good.
"I think the fans are going to go absolutely crazy when they see the episode. There's a scene when he makes his first appearance out of some trees and growls, and it's just Chewie, the way you always remembered him.
"It will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up."
Peter returns to his role in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which will air at 5.30pm on March 26, on Sky Movies Premiere/HD.
lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011
Lego Star Wars III, The Clone Wars
A tres días de su salida el próximo 25 de marzo, Lego pretende obtener un nuevo éxito y continuar conquistando el corazón de sus fans en esta nueva entrega de la saga Star Wars. Ambientada en la serie de televisión The Clone Wars, deberemos afrontar una nueva batalla contra el lado oscuro. ¡Que la fuerza te acompañe! http://laguerradelasgalaxias-starwars.blogspot.com/
El juego, que contará con todos los personajes de la serie The Clone Wars, incluirá también viejos conocidos vistos en anteriores entregas de Lego y en las memorables películas. Hasta un total de 175 caras en un completo juego que continúa mostrando su descaro y humor en una inteligente combinación de acción en tercera persona, simulación, puzzles y aventura.
Desde luego, la unión del gigante Lego con la desarrolladora Traveller´s Tales no ha parado de cosechar éxitos. Los títulos fruto de dicha alianza no han cesado de ofrecer grandes momentos a lo largo de todos sus juegos. Éstos, repletos de nostalgia y diversión, nos han ido acercando a héroes capaces de clavarse en el imaginario colectivo de toda una generación. Batman, Indiana Jones y por supuesto la saga de Star Wars, son un claro ejemplo de ello.
Ha sido precisamente en dicha serie donde hemos podido disfrutar más de estos singulares muñecos. Sus Cabezas cuadradas están dispuestas hacer frente al Imperio y mostrar el mismo ardor guerrero que los personajes reales. No se nos ocurre mejor combinación para un juego que la que nos ofrece Lego en esta entrega, capaz de recoger la esencia de George Lucas y dotarle de su propio estilo: absurdo, ingenioso y divertidísimo.
Pero más allá de su entretenida trama, los avances a nivel técnico son sobresalientes y así lo podremos comprobar en todas y cada una de las plataformas. Hasta 300 objetos en movimiento promete esta aventura, así como la capacidad de pilotar tropas y vehículos durante las contiendas. Además, la inclusión de la pantalla partida seguro gustará a sus más acérrimos seguidores. ¿Estás preparado para esta aventura? Nosotros sí, y desde aquí esperamos impacientes su inminente llegada.
domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011
Star Wars: The Old Republic las “beta keys” del juego
La compañía nos informa que dichos accesos son falsos y que si hacemos uso de ellos nuestra seguridad estará en peligro. Según Bioware, la venta de estos accesos está estrictamente prohibida como norma en la empresa y es por ello que nos instigan a no comprar dichos accesos pues pueden llegar a robarnos el dinero o nuestra identidad en el peor de los casos.
Desde Bioware nos recomiendan que si recibimos algún mail de este tipo no dudemos en reenviarselo a bwacommunitysupport@bioware.com en dónde comprobarán su autenticidad. A su vez, recuerdan que los jugadores que reciban las invitaciones oficiales del juego vendrán bajo la siguiente dirección no-reply@bioware.swtor.com en dónde se adjuntará en el mail las instrucciones necesarias para poder acceder a la beta del juego. Para más información podéis visitar su página oficial.http://laguerradelasgalaxias-starwars.blogspot.com/
sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011
LEGO Star Wars III The Clone Wars:
Dos grandes universos no podrían faltar con el lanzamiento de una nueva consola, y son el LEGO y el universo de Star Wars, juntos en el título LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. Vuelven las historias épicas y los personajes icónicos siguiendo las aventuras vistas en la serie televisiva de dibujos Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Los usuarios podrán crear, controlar y explorar una galaxia muy, muy lejana como nunca antes había sido posible. Nos esperan más de 10 misiones y contenidos extra que abarcan toda la era de las Guerras Clon, con el toque carismático de los juego LEGO, desternillante, accesible y lleno de acción.
La acción esta vez no se desarrollará en su totalidad en tierra firme, los usuarios podrán volar por el espacio con las naves espaciales más reconocidas, como las Ala-Y o los cazas Jedi, y participa en animadas batallas espaciales. Existirán además un montón de nuevas habilidades para el sable de luz, armas, vehículos y personajes.
Además, como premio, veremos personajes ocultos que son todo un icono en el universo de Star Wars, como Darth Vader, Chewbacca y Luke Skywalker. Las funciones Street Pass y Play Coins permitirán desbloquear nuevos personajes y descargar contenidos adicionales.
viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011
Star Wars: The Old Republic se está convirtiendo en el nuevo Duke Nukem a cada día que pasa.

Star Wars: The Old Republic se está convirtiendo en el nuevo Duke Nukem a cada día que pasa. Según Eric Brown, responsable financiero de Electronic Arts, el título de Bioware y EA no llegará al mercado hasta el siguiente año fiscal, y no precisamente durante el primer trimestre. http://laguerradelasgalaxias-starwars.blogspot.com/
Según comenta Brown, EA no tiene intención de lanzar el juego durante lo poco que queda del presente trimestre fiscal, ni tampoco tiene intención de lanzarlo durante el comienzo del siguiente. De esta manera, las fechas que apuestan por el lanzamiento de este multijugador masivo ambientado en el universo de Star Wars se van hasta la segunda mitad de 2011 mínimo. En el peor de los casos, el juego puede llegar a retrarsarse hasta 2012, una fecha que sigue sonando posible -y por la que apuesto.
jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011
Star Wars Character Monster Bobble Heads
Now flaunt your Star Wars love with these unique fusions of Star Wars characters, mashed up with some classic monsters and bobble head. You can have this on your desk and will be amazed with the reaction you get from your family and friends. These Star Wars Character Monster Bobble Heads will look cool and spooky on your desk and can be a good option as a gift for any geek. Available for $12.99. http://laguerradelasgalaxias-starwars.blogspot.com/
miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011
yoda en lego 3d
A una semana del estreno de la nueva entrega de LEGO Star Wars, Activision acaba de publicar tres escenas cinematográficas del título. Entre los vídeos destaca la aparición del maestro jedi Yoda, uno de los personajes de peso en la historia y también de los favoritos a manejar para una buena parte de los fans. http://laguerradelasgalaxias-starwars.blogspot.com/
Los dos trailers restantes muestran distintos vehículos terrestres que jugarán un papel clave en la guerra así como las tropas republicanas y confederadas. Todo ello está aderezado con el peculiar sello humorístico, distintivo de la casa LEGO.
domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011
viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011
miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011
martes, 15 de marzo de 2011
lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011
Star Wars Darth Vader Talking Keychain.
Star Wars Darth Vader Talking Keychain
For all you Star Wars fan here is a special key chain for you, the Star Wars Darth Vader Talking Keychain. This keychain has got six famous phrase of Darth Vader from Star Wars movies. This is one of the coolest keychains which you can be gifted to your kids or used by yourself. Available for $8.99. http://laguerradelasgalaxias-starwars.blogspot.com/
domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011
the female Tusken sexy
sábado, 12 de marzo de 2011
viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011
Consigue las tazas de Star Wars con el diario el País
Colección de 16 tazas de Star wars ver clicando aqui
bases para conseguir las tazas clica aqui
jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011
George Lucas strikes back 'Star Wars' stormtrooper battle to Supreme Court

Ainsworth has since been selling outfits online from his original moulds. In 2004 he sold two original helmets at auction for £60,000 and has since created fancy dress replicas that sell for up to £1,500, reports The Guardian.
Lucas insists that Ainsworth is not entitled to do so, but has so far failed to prevent him legally. In 2008 the case was thrown out of the High Court, with Justice Mann ruling that the costumes had a "utilitarian purpose" and were industrial props rather than "works of art" and so not covered by British copyright laws.
Lucas' representatives told the Supreme Court yesterday (March 8) that it was an "implied term" of working on the film that Ainsworth "would not be entitled to retain copyright for the artefacts".
The director is expected to call for support from Steven Spielberg, James Cameron and Peter Jackson as the case continues.
lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011
Star Wars geek, a female Stormtrooper clad from head to toe in the white armor we all know and love
Next up is one of the better choices for a Star Wars geek, a female Stormtrooper clad from head to toe in the white armor we all know and love. This one gets bonus points for making the boots look more like stockings.
sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011
La espada laser de Star Wars, cada más cerca de la realidad gracias a la silicona
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El descubrimiento llega más de 50 años después de que se inventara el láser, puerta de avances tan distintos como las operaciones para los ojos o las cuerdas vocales, los lectores de DVD o la fotodepilación.
La invención ha sido publicada en la revista "Sciencie". Douglas Stone, ha conseguido el objetivo que se propuso en julio del año pasado. El principio es relativamente simple. Tal como el rayo resultado de un rayo de luz amplificado en un medio conductor, en este caso el arsenio de galio, el equipo supuso que utilizar un medio absorvente, la silicona fue la escogida, tendría el efecto contrario
Probaron el dispositivo con dos rayos de luz, que al enfrentarse a la silicona fueron absorvido, liberando la energía en forma de calor. El comunicado del equipo de investigadores, explica que, en teoria, consigue absorver el 99,999% de la luz. En la fase experimental consiguieron una eficacia del 99,4%.
Por ahora, el anti-láser tiene una centímetro de ancho pero el equipo cree que puede reducir la escala al largo de un cabello humano para poder aprovecharlo en aplicaciones láser a nivel microscópico.
Para que se puede usar es todavía algo incierto. En el comunicado, Stone adelantó que el dispositivo al que llaman Absorvente Coherente Perfecto (CPA), puede ser utilizado como interruptor o detector óptico en la próxima generación de ordenadores o mejorar los actuales sistemas de exámen radiológico.
viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011
Star Wars AT-AT Model Toy
Thinking of a gift to give your kids on this Christmas, which they will not only make them enjoy but also help them to learn to construct things and put effort into things they do, then this Star Wars AT-AT Model Toy is perfect gift for them. This AT-AT model is being completely painted and crafted to look exactly as if it’s come straight out from the movie. This toy is easy to construct and safe to be used by kids. Available for $49.99. http://laguerradelasgalaxias-starwars.blogspot.com/
jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011
MasterImage 3D will show off the technology smart phones with holograms

Remember that scene in Star Wars where Chewbacca and R2-D2 play holographic chess? That technology is no longer in a galaxy far, far away.
MasterImage 3D, known in Hollywood for its 3D-projection systems, is prepping a system that allows a hologram to be projected from smartphones and tablets like the iPad.
Texting, Web browsing or anything else one does with a portable device could be done by touching a holographic image instead. The company plans to demonstrate the technology at the Mobile World Congress from Feb. 14-17 in Barcelona.
Says Roy Taylor, exec vp and GM of 3D display at MasterImage, "If you take the screen and lay it flat, it projects the holographic object around your device, and you can interact with it."
The most obvious application is for gaming, but Taylor believes it also has merchandising uses and increases tablet users’ productivity. http://laguerradelasgalaxias-starwars.blogspot.com/
"Software companies are already working on productivity enhancements with touch," he says. "This will be the evolution of how we interface with consumer-electronics devices."
MasterImage also plans to introduce a chip designed to bring 3D to video cameras and lower-priced smartphones. 3D-capable phones can run about $250, but Taylor says, "I think we can get a 3D phone down to around $150."
miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011
The ambitious online computer game Star Wars: The Old Republic has unveiled a selection of "Flashpoint" missions
The ambitious online computer game Star Wars: The Old Republic has unveiled a selection of "Flashpoint" missions, with a short trailer to demonstrate how one of these "action-packed, story-driven" adventures could unfold.
Flashpoints act as The Old Republic's answer to group instances, a genre staple essential allowing repeatable, co-operative play, as occuring in World of Warcraft, DC Universe Online, or the upcoming RIFT and Guild Wars 2.
Players team up to tackle challenges together, some of which are intended for those fighting for the Galactic Republic, others for the Empire, and a number will be open to both factions.
For example, in the Flashpoint set on the planet Taral V, a Republic strike team assaults a heavily fortified base in order to discover the location of an imprisoned Jedi Master.
Empire players have their own Flashpoint in the jailbreak's aftermath, hunting down the escapee and preventing a devastating attack on the Sith.
The Taral V mission is dispensed by a small, green, knobbly-headed Jedi. Is it Yoda? Not likely - The Old Republic takes place over 2,500 years before Yoda was born - but it could well be one of his ancestors.
Watch the Taral V Flashpoint trailer at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfunuPPJa2g.
Official website for Star Wars: The Old Republic, Flashpoints page: http://www.swtor.com/info/systems/flashpoints